Some Sort of Hereditary

It was morning and Lena Parish just entered the gate of the Elan family mansion. As General Miguel was still at the border, she took up his role and often meet Commander Nicklaus at his home and the camp.

Though the one behind Lezaria was still unknown, the conflict on the border had calmed down a bit than before.

When the General spoke with the butler of the mansion, she was surprised to hear that the Commander wasn't up yet.

As a Commander with strict principles, Nicklaus Elan never get up late and Lena was well aware of that. However, as he spent most of his time in the camp, the butler and the other servants just thought that the Master wanted to rest more.

Lena still entered the Commander's chamber as she had a bad feeling. She realized that Nicklaus Elan was indeed still asleep but... as she walked closer, she noticed the sweat that covered the side of his face. She placed her palm on his forehead and realized that he was burning with fever!