Your Type Is So Peculiar

"How long will you stay here?" Karium Maselli asked his mother who was about to leave the palace.

It was morning and after a long night mostly occupied by chat for the mother and son, there was a light and easy aura between them which was a huge development compared to yesterday.

"I plan to leave the day after tomorrow," Empress Marozia replied.

"That soon?"

"I have many responsibilities in Aslirith, Karium," the Empress said when she noticed the troubled look on her son's face. "I can't be away for longer."

"I understand," Karium muttered after a brief thought. "Can I ask you one thing?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Did you come here to meet Lena?" the Prince asked in a low voice.

"To meet Lena... and you too," his mother replied. "I heard that she is your best friend. So, you must know about Lena and Tristan right?"

Karium nodded and the Empress continued, "I ask her to accept Tristan. I believe that she will see me soon."