The Urgent Matter

After spending the whole day in his old house with his old friends, Karium Maselli was back in his room in the Ivory Inn.

Just like the night before, he stood near the window, enjoying the mesmerizing view of the small province. There was an easy aura around him. It must be the effect of spending some time with his old friends after so many years.

Soon enough, he heard the sound of knocking on the door and Lance walked inside.

"Your Highness."

"Is it about the Magistrate again?"

"Yes. He wants to know when you will be able to visit his office. He asked the other guards to inform him when he came to the house today. Maybe he wants to make preparations," Lance replied.

The Prince let out a sigh as he shut his eyes. Those persistent officials.

"Inform him that I'll be there tomorrow evening," he said as he opened his eyes again. "As I said in the day, he shouldn't spread the news and he should stop bothering me. I'll be there on time."