I Will Have Your Head

Still too stunned by what he saw, Karium Maselli took a step towards the hunter who carried the familiar woman. Even when he tried to reach out his hand to confirm, he was struggling. When he finally find the courage to do so, he proved that it was her!

The Prince wasn't the only one who was shocked. Lance's eyes grew wide open too!

The Princess of Avaria?!

"Your Highness -"

The guard shut his mouth when the Prince lifted his right palm. Then quickly, Karium took the Avarian Princess from the hunter's arm.

However, the hunters didn't fail to hear how the young man was addressed and in the whole Welahan, they knew that only one person was addressed that way. Apart from the King and Queen, there was only one royal and...

Prince Karium?

He was back?!

However, before they could say anything...