You Are Everything That I'm Not

Prince Karium was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound he heard outside. Then he realized that the guards had returned.

"I think Lance has returned. I will go and check on him," he said to Yara and rose from his seat. "I'll be back right away."

The Avarian Princess nodded and he walked out of the chamber.

Seeing the Prince coming out of the chamber, Lance quickly rushed to him and bowed. "Your Highness."

"Did you wrap up without a problem?"

"Yes, Your Highness. You can be at ease."

"What about Isabel?"

"I escort her back to their inn as you ordered."

"Good job. Go and rest now."

The Prince was about to walk back to the chamber, but...

"Your Highness."

Lance stopped him from doing that.

"What is it?"

The guard hesitated for a few seconds before he asked, "May I ask why you chose to do that? You can punish them and let them live."