Depart To Aslirith

The troops from Aslirith had reached Welahan a day ago and now, it was the day for Lena to leave Welahan. All set to leave for a foreign empire which she had never seen or visited before, the General was in the courtyard of her mansion.

She had dismissed all the workers the day before and she also made sure to pay them handsomely as she knew that it won't be easy for them to find a new job to provide for their families.

While Lena glanced around the mansion where she grew up, Karium was also beside her.

"Will you miss this home of yours?" the Prince asked his friend as he believed that Lena would miss the camp and the soldiers more. After all, she spent almost all her time in the camp and she rarely went home.

"Of course. It's the home where I used to live with my parents when they were alive," Lena replied, forcing a little smile. "I never thought that this day will come," she murmured as she glanced at the ground.