As Long As I Live

Nicklaus Elan couldn't believe what he just heard!

Did the King say Lillian Valini?

Lillian Valini as in the Princess of Thigon?!

While he was struggling to believe in the revelation that occurred right before his eyes, what Kiara told him in the past crossed his mind.

She said that her brother died in the war and the Crown Prince of Thigon indeed died in that war.

She said that she was once engaged but her fiance died before they could marry and... Crown Prince Navar of Yevalon indeed died before his marriage to the Princess of Thigon!

Was it the truth? She was really the Princess of Thigon who faked her death?!

Princess Lillian understood that she was exposed but... when she glanced at the door to the chamber, Captain Kyler who was standing right beside the door walked inside, shattering whatever escape plan she had in mind. Then she turned back to the King of Welahan and by now, she didn't feel the need to hide her hatred anymore!