What A Funny Excuse

Princess Yara was in the Duke of Civale's mansion inside the Duke's chamber. The Duke of Civale was sitting opposite her with a pleasant smile on his face and Andrus also stood behind the couch where she sat.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, Your Highness?" the Duke asked the Princess who simply smiled at him.

"You must know the mess going around the court and the whole kingdom... no... the whole continent these days," she pointed out, maintaining a calm and pleasant face all the time.

Duke Civale let out a breath and put on a worried face. "That's right, Your Highness. It's so unfortunate that you become the center of rumors."

"I know, Duke Civale," Yara Amiel said. "However, I think it's more unfortunate that you and the other officials used this rumor to pressure my brother," the Princess frankly stated, making the Duke blinked!

Though he knew that the Princess was always smart, he never knew that she can be this straightforward!