You Will Never Be Happy

Hearing the King's condition, Nicklaus Elan could feel his jaw drop to the floor!

Marry her?

Was the King serious?!

"Your Majesty -"

"Don't you love her? If she can't kill you, then she must feel the same," King Edric simply said. "I can't let her return to Thigon after she attempted to kill my brother. Who knows what she would do there? She should stay here if I am to let her live."

Edric Maselli let out a breath and said, "If I am to remember what you said, you will be held responsible if she does anything to harm the royal family in the future. Do you think I will be okay with losing my most trusted subject just because of the crime committed by the Princess of Thigon? I'm not a fool."

"I don't think she will be okay with it," Nicklaus Elan muttered as he thought of the deep hatred the Thigon Princess had for Welahan.

"She has to if she wishes to live," the King stated in a firm voice. "It's fine as long as you accept."