Please Let Me Fulfill My Promise To You

When Empress Marozia Castelof rose from her seat, the pressure that Steven Rafe felt instantly rise! However, there was nothing he could do while he didn't even dare to move!

"I think you forget your place, Steven," the Empress stated in her usual calm voice. "Whenever you act on your own, you always mess up something."

Steven Rafe tried to get the point of the Empress but to no avail.

What trigger her rage this time?

He didn't remember himself making any mistake!

"Just because I make you the King, it's not that you can do anything you want," Empress Marozia uttered in a stern voice.

"Please... I don't understand, Your Majesty," Steven Rafe muttered as he braced himself. "If you tell me, it will never happen again. I will never dare to offend you deliberately, Your Majesty! Please believe in me!"

Empress Marozia simply smirked and walked towards one corner where a drawer was placed. She opened the drawer and took out one thing.