It Was Hell

On his way back to his quarters, Landyn walked past several hallways but his mind was still occupied by what happened.

Steven Rafe and of course, how the Empress suddenly called him by his real name.

After two years, he still struggled to forget his old life as Kamryn, a spy from Avaria and... someone whose life used to revolve around Princess Yara Amiel.

The Princess of Avaria.

He saw her during the wedding and the banquet though she didn't spot him.

It was the first in two years, the first since they part that night - the night he sacrificed himself for her.

During the past two years, he was busy assisting the Empress and he never had time for himself. As such, he rarely recalled the past. But today, he saw the Princess again and the Empress called him with that name.

He had many reasons to be reminded of the past today.