What Am I To You Now?

Empress Marozia looked up at Landyn who stood still. Then her gaze trailed down and saw how he was squeezing his clothes.

It seemed like he was struggling to be still but... he didn't say anything.

Thinking of it as the best decision, she shifted her gaze to Princess Yara and nodded with a little smile. "Sure. Go ahead."

With that said, Yara rose from her seat and walked out of the chamber while Landyn remained.

"Your Majesty -"

"She will leave tomorrow, Landyn," the Empress muttered and looked up at her guard once again. "Settle whatever is left between you two. I don't want you to have a hard time once she left. The same goes for the Princess. Do you understand?"

Landyn narrowed his eyes and stood still before he eventually nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty." Then he bowed and walked out of the chamber. Soon enough, he finds himself at the Princess's chamber.