I Never Blame You

Landyn already knew that Yara loved the Welahan Prince but... hearing it from her personally was a completely different thing. Not to mention that he finds it hard to believe that the Avarian Princess talked about love!

A miracle indeed exists.

"I'm happy to hear that, Your Highness," he said to the Princess after what felt like hours. 

Hearing this, the Princess observed the expression on his face. "It seems like you really never thought of me during the past two years. Maybe I'm dead to you."

All the torment she went through in the last two years crossed Yara's mind and she clenched her fists. However, she didn't do anything.

If this man insisted that he wasn't Kamryn anymore, then she had no right to discipline him or punish him. She never know that she will have to use her patience which she tried so hard to obtain in this way!

Patience... it's one of the things that she learned after losing him.