My Love Is Not That Worthless

Karium hear out the story of Princess Yara but... one part completely occupied his mind.

She was at the mercy of Steven Rafe for days?!

The Prince clenched his fists as he struggled to stay still.

Throughout the 20 years of his life, he never wished to kill someone as much as he did now!

She said that she was heavily injured when Kamryn came for her. Did it mean... she was tortured?!

"Why did Steven Rafe do that?" he asked Yara. "Do you have any idea?"

Yara Amiel shook her head. "Do you know what's strange? Even when he captured me, Steven Rafe didn't even once attempt to use it against my brother. It will surely be a good chance but... from what I saw during that time, all he wanted was to see me suffer. He abhors me."

Karium Maselli finds the story strange.

Why did Steven Rafe want Yara to suffer? Was there a story behind it?