I Want To Be Myself As Long As Possible

With Ricon as her personal guard and Baroness Liza as her lady-in-waiting, Lena had slowly gotten used to her new life. Though it wasn't easy, Tristan and the Empress helped her a lot and now, her days started to become less boring.

"Is there still another studying session for today?" the Crown Princess asked her lady-in-waiting who was standing a few steps away from her.

"No, Your Highness. The studying session is done for today but after an hour, the royal tailor will be here to take your measurement," Baroness Liza replied.

Lena Castelof thought about it and realized how she discussed this with the Empress the day before. "The royal tailor will take care of all my clothing from now on, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness. It's his duty to take care of all royal clothing," Liza Estieze informed the Crown Princess.

Lena nodded. It seemed like she also lost her freedom to wear her choice of clothing.