It's A Marriage We Are Talking About

"Many things?" Prince Karium asked his sister-in-law with confusion written all over his face. "Is there anything else apart from the rumors?"

"You don't hear about it?"

When Karium shook his head, the Queen told him about what happened, mostly about Nicklaus Elan. The moment he hear out the Queen, Karium Maselli stormed out of the palace to see Commander Nicklaus.

By the time Karium left, the sun almost set and he first went to the camp of the Elan Army only to find out that Nicklaus Elan wasn't there. Then he hurried to the Elan family mansion.

Prince Karium finds himself at the Elan family mansion in no time and he was received by the butler of the mansion. "Greetings, Your Highness."

"Is Commander Nicklaus home?"

"Yes, Your Highness. He is in his chamber. Would you like me to inform him?"

"It's fine. I'll go there," the Prince said and the butler moved to the side, making way for him. Then he went to Nicklaus's chamber.