Will You Kill Me?

With Empress Marozia on his mind, Landyn wanted to stop the game that Yara was playing. However, he still struggled to stand against her.

Maybe it was in his blood. After all, a decade was a long time.

"What did you do to my sister?" Steven Rafe finally asked after losing his voice for a while. "If you touch even a strand of her hair -"

"That's up to you," Princess Yara quickly said. "And also me. One order from me and you will lose the most important person in your life. Thinking of what you did to me two years ago, I think this is only fair." She laughed and added, "Well, even if it's unfair, I don't really care."

"You should stop talking as if what happened two years ago was my fault," the Creles King grunted. "You brought that upon yourself, Yara Amiel!"

Landyn and Andrus raised a brow when they heard Steven Rafe. What was he talking about?!

"That's nonsense," the Avarian Princess spat. "I never do any harm to you or Creles!"