Do You Want Her To Become Like Me?

"I crossed paths with General Zaria near the palace," Landyn explained to the annoyed Avarian Princess. "We come here together."

So... Zaria was here the whole time and saw everything she did?! What if he tell her brother all the details?!

The thought made the Princess let out a heavy sigh.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" General Zaria Movan instantly asked Yara once he halted beside her. His concerned gaze observed her for a few seconds.

"I'm fine," was Yara's only response. She didn't even spare the General a single glance.

The General briefly glanced at his old friend who was standing opposite the Princess before he turned his attention back to Yara. Then he got down on one knee. The soldiers who came with him followed suit. "His Majesty commanded us to escort you back safely. Please return with us, Your Highness. His Majesty is waiting."

"I'm still not done here!" Yara Amiel snapped. "Why did everyone tells me to return?!"