I Can Only Wait Silently

It was night and Tristan Castelof was with Lena in the chamber that they shared. More than a week had passed since Lena visited Ricon and though her condition was slowly improving, her relationship with Tristan was as quiet as that day.

Though her husband attempted to have a normal chat with her a few times, Lena find it hard to do that.

In the past days, she recalled what Karium told her before she married Tristan. Her friend had warned her that Tristan Castelof was a man with many secrets and that he might even be darker than she thought. Karium said that power didn't just come along and even if one had power, the path to maintaining the power was always a dark one.

At that time, Lena knew that her friend was right. She knew that she should be expecting all those if she was to marry Tristan.

She indeed ended up marrying him and what she should be expecting was also slowly revealed to be true but... it was so hard.