You're Evil

Karium Maselli woke up, only to find himself sleeping on a bed in a chamber that was quite big. Slowly, he pushed himself up with much difficulty and tried to recall what happened.

After he agreed to go to Aslirith, he, General Neal, and Lance were made to lose their consciousness using some herbs. He didn't even remember consenting to that. It suddenly happened. Though he remembered waking up from time to time throughout their way to Aslirith, nothing was clear to him.

Just what happened?

Even now, his head hurt so much that he felt like it was about to explode! Holding his head, he grunted in pain.

What herb did those people use on him?

Karium Maselli knew that what happened wasn't normal at all but... why didn't it even surprise him?

Even he was amazed by how strange his lack of reaction was!

It didn't take long for the Prince to realize that he was alone in the chamber.

General Neal and Lance... where were they?!