For The Worst

Lena was sleeping on a bed inside the chamber she shared with Tristan. A few steps from the bed, Tristan was there sitting on a chair behind the desk. As her husband was busy working, the Crown Princess had her gaze fixated on him.

It had been days since Tristan told her his story and though their relationship still wasn't the same, they slowly worked on mending it. She tried her best to understand him and to be patient while he was giving his all not to let her down again. However, they didn't know if they would succeed or not.

Unlike him, she grew up in a loving family. They had a completely opposite upbringing.

"You can just work on your working chamber," Lena Castelof said to her husband after staring at him for minutes. "Can you even concentrate here?"

"But I like it this way," Tristan said as he shifted his gaze in her direction. "I'm always busy during the day. So, at least during the night, I want you in my sight."