Someone We Should Be Wary Of

There was a hint of surprisement on King Edric's face when Captain Kylen of the Royal Guards brought the Avarian Princess inside his chamber.

Even when he received a letter from her a few hours ago, the Welahan King wasn't that convinced but he still sent the Captain to escort the Avarian Princess and now, the Princess was standing right before him in flesh.

Rising from his seat, the King's gaze was fixated on his younger brother's lover. "Princess Yara Amiel," he greeted her with surprisement still evident on his face. "What brings you to Welahan?"

With a nod from him, Captain Kylen bowed and left the chamber to give the two royals some privacy.

"Your Majesty," the Avarian Princess exchanged the greeting by slightly bowing her head. "I noticed that Prince Karium is out of Welahan for quite long now." She observed the King and continued, "I mean... unusually long."