Infamously Perfect

"I don't think His Highness will allow you to go, Your Highness. Why don't you think twice?"

Baroness Liza was standing a few steps beside the Crown Princess. When she learned about Lena's plan for the night, she grew really concerned and she also knew that the Crown Prince won't allow it that easy.

"I already made up my mind, Liza," Lena Castelof replied. She fought back the pressure she felt and maintained a calm demeanor. "You don't have to come with me. Ricon recovered now and with a few more guards, I will be fine."

"But Your Highness, you just recover from the arrow shot wound. Don't you think that it's still too early to leave the palace?" The lady-in-waiting tried her best to persuade the Crown Princess who seemed to have no intention to change her mind.

"I've been stuck in the palace for too long," Lena Castelof said, still maintaining that calm voice. "The festival is a good opportunity for me to step out and regain my strength."