Wars & Rumors of Wars


Gar's mouth dropped open. But it was Aaryn who stepped up to Dargyn's chest. "If you lay a fingertip on her that she hasn't invited—"

"Wow. Cool off, Aaryn. I said kissing, not mating."

"I don't care. She's innocent of all this and—"

"Take a step back, Aaryn. I don't force myself on females."

"No, you just convince them they're special, then never touch them again."

Dargyn's eyes narrowed. "And you don't?"

Aaryn bared his teeth. Gar stepped between them quickly, one hand to Aaryn's shoulder, the other to Dargyn's. "Look, guys, this isn't… I mean, this is my sister we're talking about."

They both looked at him and he grinned and shrugged. "Sorry, I'm never going to see it."

Aaryn felt sick to his stomach. What had happened? Had they mated and Dargyn was just saving Elreth from having to answer questions?