Breaking Tradition


He'd only briefly considered not going to dinner.

Elreth was due to make the announcement of who she'd appoint as a Cohort—which meant the younger Anima would use it as an excuse to dance again. He'd braced himself to watch Elreth and Dargyn at the top table, but he needed to speak with her. They had to clear the air—not to mention that he had to get her onside for the disformed. If all else failed, he'd dominate the peacock and just insist on speaking with her.

They had to get past this. He had to… he had to know for certain there was no more hope.

His stomach twisted with nerves at that thought and he ran a hand through his hair.

He sat at a table with four other males and two females. It had been a little tense when he'd first joined them—two were in the cave this morning—but when he acted normally and didn't get aggressive, everyone calmed down.