

Elreth froze.

How did she always end up in these places? She was going to have to get a lot better about keeping her own secrets. That was as plain as the nose on her face.

They both came alive in the same moment—when Dargyn swore.

Aaryn suddenly jerked away from the wall, letting her slide through his hands so she could find her feet. Both gasping, Elreth's cheeks flaming hot, they unwrapped their arms from each other as quickly as possible. She could feel his eyes on her, feel him measuring her—fear threaded into his scent when she couldn't meet anyone's eyes.

"So, um… unless this is some weird rite I'm not familiar with, I… I don't think you're that protective of me, El," Gwyn said quietly a few seconds later.

Rak spluttered into laughter, and Dargyn's lips twitched.