

He was working really hard to not let his tension show—to not outright challenge Dargyn, to not slam Rak up against the wall for letting his eyes fall on Elreth with that look of consideration—as if he hadn't really seen her before. And Gwyn.

He knew her tell: the way she went really still and kept flipping her hair out of her eyes instead of using her hand. Whenever she got tense it was like she was afraid to move too much or she might give herself away.

Which meant she wasn't as far past her feelings for him as she'd told him. Which wasn't a surprise, but it was something he really, really didn't want to deal with right now. So he gave her a little smile and left it at that, praying that she was mature enough to decide the rest was up to her to work through.

Elreth was his True Heart's Call. He wasn't letting anything get in the way of that.