A Mother's Love - Part 2


He frowned and opened his mouth, but Elreth got in first.

"Let me reassure you, Delarys, that Aaryn will never be alone again in his life as long as I live."

His mother took a deep breath, as if she struggled to do so. "That is good. That is good, Elreth. I knew… I knew you were a good female, even as a friend. And now a ruler. But he will need you."

Elreth's eyes sharpened as she asked the question he was too terrified to ask. "Why?"

His mother seemed to struggle. "His father was a good male, Elreth, no matter what you hear, believe that. He was a good male."

"I do believe that," she said firmly, which dropped Aaryn's jaw. He'd never spoken of his father if he could help it. "He chose you as his mate, and brought Aaryn into this world. Good males beget good males," she said.

"Yes!" his mother said, fiercely again. "The stories of him, of what he did—or did not do—they are… skewed."