The Right Thing


As they stepped out of Aaryn's Tree House together, inside Elreth was a mess of feelings. She felt sick about Aaryn's mom, but ecstatic that she'd sent Aaryn with her, that they would have these hours alone. Who cared about sleep? She wanted her hands on him, and—

They were only two steps from the door when Aaryn pulled back on her hand and stopped. "I can't," he said, his voice gruff.

Elreth's stomach dropped. She should have known. She turned to face him, bracing herself for the disappointment. At least she'd sleep, she reminded herself.

The forest was dark between the trees, though the sky directly above them remained a soft husky orange as the last of the day's sun disappeared behind the mountains. While they stood there, the Tree City lanterns flickered on, casting Aaryn's face in sharp relief as he loomed over her, raking his hands through his hair while his eyes pleading with her to understand.