Breaching Tradition


He didn't open his eyes when he first returned from sleep. He hadn't actually fallen asleep until dawn. But even as tired as he was, the moment he became aware of the world again, he winced with the sick dread coating the inside of his chest.

His mother was sick again. He'd listened to her cry for hours. And he'd had to stay away from Elreth last night.

Sighing, he stretched to try to shift the weight on his chest, then opened his eyes. Then he saw how bright the light was outside.

Holy shit! He was late for the meeting with the elders!

Tugging on leathers and a clean shirt, he ran down the stairs as quietly as he could, but his mother wasn't on the couch after all—so he ran back up and crept into her room. Only to find her bed there wrinkled, but empty.

Where had she gone?