Inappropriate Mate


She was on her feet and staring at the woman—elder or not, she couldn't believe anyone felt comfortable even thinking that in her presence!

"You will reconsider your words," she said through her teeth. "Or you will vacate your chair to an Anima who can view all our people as equally valuable."

The female stood firm and didn't drop Elreth's eyes, but she did nod. "It was thoughtless of me, I apologize," she said, without feeling.

Elreth huffed and started across the floor towards her, many of the elders shifting in their seats. "I challenged my father for devaluing the disformed, do you believe I would accept that in this forum?" she snarled.

"The Elders do value all of the Anima equally," Lhern said firmly. "We do not hold these views any longer, Pehrye," he said to the female. "We've spoken of this before. You will vacate your chair and a new elder will be appointed."