A Woman's Look


Later that day, Elreth was back at the cave.

Aaryn had taken one of the wise-women to see his mother and Elreth thought they needed privacy. Then he was going to meet with the disformed to decide who would join him for the formal meeting with her. She wasn't going to see him for hours and it was pathetic how much she ached about that.

So she sat at the dining table, busying herself making notes about the questions she'd want to ask them when they were all together.

At least it was an excuse to think about him…

Groaning at herself, she tried to turn her attention back to the papers in front of her, but just then the door to the cave opened, and her heart leapt. Hoping it was Aaryn, she pushed out of the chair to her feet—then tried not to look disappointed when it was her mother who walked in the door.

"There you are," Mom said, smiling. "Are you busy? Should I come back another time?"