No Judgment


"Mom," Elreth said quietly, squeezing her hand. "What's going on?"

Her mother shook her head, then dropped her face into her hands. "Don't ever let anything or anyone else step between you and Aaryn, okay? Even if you're angry, even if you're hurt, never stop telling him that you love him. Never stop offering to touch. I'm going to give this advice to Aaryn too. And believe me, I know it's hard. When you're angry or hurt, you want the other person to hurt too, but… it's not worth it, El. When you're True Mates, you're a part of each other. Don't let anything step in the way of that. Nothing is else worth more than that person. There's no piece of information that won't get worse by them finding out you've hidden it. I promise. Even the stuff you think you're doing for their own good. Don't… just don't break that trust, okay?"