She's Got It


It was almost dinner. He'd found a wise-woman to help his mother—a kind, elderly female named Eadhye who had insisted that he leave them alone so she could speak with his mom privately. Aaryn hadn't wanted to admit that he was relieved to leave it to someone else—he felt guilty just thinking that. But as soon as he'd described the situation to Huncer, this female had overheard and approached, reassuring him that she had experience with it and would like to help.

They'd spent an hour talking first, then he'd taken her to the house—nervous because it hadn't been cleaned, and he felt yet another stab of guilt knowing his mother would hate to have a stranger see that. But she was so kind… Aaryn had hope.

His mother was horrified when someone else came into the bedroom where she was resting. But he'd introduced them, and after half an hour his mother had agreed with Eadhye when she'd suggested Aaryn could leave and they could talk alone.