Cold War


For a moment he didn't register the cold silence next to him, he was too busy watching Elreth pummel her brother.

But then Elia spoke up. "Thank you, Aaryn," she said, her voice suddenly bright.

He blinked. "Why? What for?"

"For recognizing that your female is an entire person who can live or die by her own choices and doesn't need you to make them for her," Elia sniffed, then her eyes snapped to her mate in a heated glare.

"You're right, he should definitely just let her run off and do whatever she wants with no accountability, no expectation or concern for her welfare," Reth growled.

"That isn't what I said!" she snapped.

"It's what you want though, right? You want to do whatever the hell you please and not have to answer to anyone for anything."

"No! I just told you, you should trust me!"

"Trust you—when you were the one who'd been lying for TWENTY YEARS?"

"You knew all the important parts!"