All in the Family


Trying to shake off the deep sense of unease she'd found watching her parents act so hostile to each other, Elreth tugged Aaryn into the cave, then turned and closed the door. He slipped around her to pick up the bar and set it in place to lock the massive door and she forced herself to grin.

"Someone's making plans for—oh!"

Aaryn didn't even speak, just pulled her into his arms, then turned her so she was against the cave wall and took her mouth, sucking in deeply through his nose when their tongues began to dance.

Elreth, though taken by surprise, fell into the kiss gratefully, letting her hands trail up his arms, then wrap around his neck, and arching into him.

He gripped her tightly at her waist and growled, "Never let that happen to us," against her mouth. Before she could answer he was kissing her again. But she could feel him trembling under her hands.