In Your Eyes


It caught Aaryn off guard when, as they reached the bottom of the stairs, he was shoulder tapped and turned to find his former Second, Garthe, standing beside him, face somber.

Elreth didn't let him go but turned with him to see who it was. When Aaryn glanced at her she signed, 'I could bite his throat out for you.'

He choked back the laugh and looked at Garthe. "What is it?" he asked shortly.

"I wanted to tell you congratulations. And… and that I was wrong. And I'm glad that I was wrong. Truly."

Aaryn measured the male for a moment, but decided this wasn't the time to challenge him.

Garthe was a strategist and an excellent liar. He might be telling the truth. Or he might be lying through his Leonine teeth. There was really no way to know except to ask very specific questions and scent him for truth.

But Aaryn measured that it did no harm to receive the good wishes, so he nodded once. "Thank you."