Dance Until Dark


She really shouldn't have had the fifth glass of elderwine. But watching her parents make small talk with some of the Anima they hadn't seen in a while, then leave without ever taking the floor… it had put a pit in her stomach.

Her parents never left a feast without dancing. Never.

And they never left with space between them as they walked out, either.

She'd always cursed their public displays of affection—told them they were gross and mocked them for being too old to do the things they did. But she would have begged and pleaded, given just about anything in the Kingdom to see them groping each other on the dancefloor again—leaving when they thought no one was watching to head off to the Weeping Tree.

Hmmmm, the Weeping Tree.

She stumbled in the turn and Aaryn chuckled and swung her back into stride, nuzzling her ear as they continued around the floor.