Hear Her Roar


Her hands shook with the repressed rage, fighting to unleash. Her beast within clawed at her ribs, snarling for release. But she held it all in as she looked first each of the elders, then Tobe and his companions in the eyes.

"I do not know why," she started quietly, "but someone has a desire to remove my Mate from his rightful position next to me. If that person is in this room, hear me: You will not succeed. Whether it be your prejudice for his disformation, your jealousy over my love for him, or a simple petty grievance, you put the entire Anima at risk when you bring such baseless and shallow concerns against the Queen and her Mate.

"I have tried—I have heard the elders concerns for the future, and for the comfort of the people, but I call you now to look at what caution and side-stepping have earned us—nothing but false petitions and suspicion."