Queen of His Heart

This Chapter is dedicated to reader, Khimbrlhe, who gave me the character name "Landon" as an idea. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy how I used it!



That afternoon, while Elreth tried to sleep off the last of her hangover, Aaryn slipped through the forest and into town looking for his friend, Lhandyn. The tall Avaline with the sleek good looks had several different caves that he worked in, depending which material he was using, or where the light was best for the season. It had been long enough since Aaryn had to seek him out at work, that he couldn't remember which was the right one.

It took a good hour to locate his friend, but as usual, he knew when he'd found the right cave because the air echoed with thuds and ringing blows, along with a deep, resonant baritone voice, singing at the top of its lungs.