The Wait


Aaryn was surprised when Reth didn't immediately turn back for home, but kept walking. He wondered if Reth didn't really want to be at home right now—if they were still fighting. But he decided not to ask. If Reth wanted to walk and talk, Aaryn would walk and talk with him. He found himself yearning for more of the older male's time.

Eventually, they strolled off the path and into the forest, talking about life and the Anima in a way they hadn't in months.

Aaryn wanted to soak up Reth's attention and insight—but was struggling to push past the wariness that had sprung up between them since the night Reth had confronted him about being Alpha of the disformed, and he'd spilled Elia's secret.

When the conversation hit a lull and they were still wandering the mountainside, Aaryn sighed. "I owe you an apology, Reth," he said softly.

"What for?"