Drawing the Line


Elreth had woken after sleeping that afternoon and finally felt hungry. She'd headed to dinner assuming Aaryn would be there. But he was nowhere to be seen. She wondered what had kept him, but hoped it was that he was visiting his mother and could eat with her.

Elreth was still exhausted from the hangover—and the events of the morning—but at least she didn't feel sick to her stomach anymore. She enjoyed the smoked meats and fruits served in the market, barely listening to the conversation Huncer and Gwyn were having with each other from either side of her, until she heard Aaryn's name mentioned.

"…only two more days. Without a father to guide him, I hope Reth has taken a hand in Aaryn's education on these matters. It would not do well to have our Queen's first experiences be boring. Or worse, unsatisfying."

Elreth almost choked on her beef.