Hollow Victory


Sick in the pit of his stomach from the strange look on his mother's face, Aaryn pretended he didn't notice her hands shaking and brushed his hands on his leathers. "I just need to run upstairs for something really quick, then I'll leave you to rest." He started across the room towards the stairs before his mother could protest, and ]gave Eadhye a look and tipped his head for her to follow him.

The older woman whispered something to his mother, then trotted in his wake up the stairs to his room.

He closed the door behind her, then whirled. "What's going on? Why does she look so… frightened?"

"Because she really wants to be at the Flames and Smoke, for you. But she's terrified. She swings back and forth between confident and convinced she can't even step foot out the door. But she doesn't want you to know that. She wants you to enjoy getting ready and not worry about her."

"I can't not worry about her!"