Something Borrowed


Elreth stood with her mother in the bedchamber of the cave, staring at herself in the mirror. "I could wear the flowy blouse and that little skirt. It's not very fancy, but he would like it, I think, since it shows my legs."

Her mother snorted. "I'm sure he would. But I think… I know you need to fight in the Rite, but… honestly, I wish my memories of our Flames felt a little less stressful, and a lot more special. I brought something. I want to see if you want to wear it," she said, then put a finger up to Elreth. "Stay there. Don't move."

Elreth frowned as her mother turned out of the bedchamber and hurried back into the cave. She'd arrived just minutes earlier and Elreth had already been in the bedchamber. What had she brought?

A moment later, Elreth's eyes went wide when her mother walked in with a dress hung over her arm.

The most beautiful dress Elreth had ever seen, and one she'd touched only in awe as a child.