History Repeats


Her mother smiled at Elreth, her eyes welling slightly again, but she swallowed and wiped them and shook it off. "There's one other thing I want to give you for when the time is right."

"Oh?" Elreth couldn't take her eyes off the dress in the full-length mirror that they'd brought in the day before so it would be there for their preparations.

Her mother took a deep breath, then pulled a deep blue scarf from her back pocket and straightened it out with her hands, pulling the soft fabric through her fingers over and over again as she spoke softly. "This is the scarf I used to offer my throat to your father. Now, I'm not suggesting you do that with Aaryn yet. You'll know when the time is right. Get through the Flames and get your rule established first. But I can see in you two what your father and I had."

Elreth flinched at the past tense but her mother went on.