The Day of Flames - Part 3


Elreth was in the bedchamber, looking in the mirror again, this time with her mother, Huncer, Gwyn, and a couple of the wise-women that Huncer had brought to help.

Other females had been in and out all day, bringing food, clothes, and the body-paints that Elreth requested—and apparently chasing her father out of his own home. Her mom said he'd disappeared before lunch.

Elreth's chest bubbled with excitement—and more than a little fear. But mainly she was just impatient.

She was going to mate Aaryn tonight. Finally. He would finally be hers. Finally complete the bond. She just had to get through this ridiculous Rite first—and in front of the entire population of the Tree City.

She shook her hands out and blew out a breath. She stood in front of the mirror in nothing but a tank top and underwear, while the wise-women painted her.