The Day of Flames - Part 4


"Mom, you have to tell me what's going on!" she whispered, reaching for her mother's hand. "Why wouldn't Dad be close to you tonight of all nights?!"

"Because he's so angry with me Elreth, and I'm sorry, I can't tell you why. I can't tell anyone! That's why he doesn't know—that's what he's angry about! But I just can't. And… I miss him so much, El," she sobbed. "I just miss him so much. I didn't realize how much of my life felt safe because of his arms around me, and his eyes on me, and… I just miss him."

Her mother dropped her face into her hands, her shoulders shaking once, then she lifted her head, shaking it, shaking her hands, "No, no. I'm not going to do this to you today. This day is about you, El, not us. We will get through this. I know we will. And we'll remember your night with joy, just as we should. Neither of us is unhappy about this—we're excited for you. It's one thing we can agree on right now…"