Eyes On


As they were walking out, still receiving greetings and calls from the people as they passed, Aaryn kept his eyes open until he found the disformed he was looking for.

At a table near the back, a group of males had clustered around a circular table and were clapping and jeering at him, winking when he looked at them. 

Within them were two other Lupine disformed, and when their eyes met, he formed the mind-link with them—something he struggled to do with normal wolves unless they were very physically close. Though he suspected that had more to do with their reluctance to link with him, than any inability to do so. 

Tell everyone: Watch our backs over these days, he sent to them both. Watch the disformed for impatience, and the others for dissension while she is out of the City. Let me know even while we're gone if you sense anything serious.