Honeymooners - Part 1


She was concerned that Aaryn might be denying his true fear about his mother, that it might bother him to leave the City. But he didn't seem hesitant as they walked. They reached their bags quickly and Aaryn swung both up onto his shoulder. 

Elreth grinned at him. "Does this mean that when I race you, you'll complain that it's uneven?"

Aaryn snorted. "This means when I race you, you might actually have a chance to win."

"Oh ho! Is that a challenge?"

He gave her a sly look from the side. "Do you want it to be?"

She was about to dart off down the path, but he hooked her waist with his free arm and swung her around in front of him and kissed her soundly. 

She was taken by surprise, but quickly responded, her stomach trilling at his kiss so that she kissed him back with enthusiasm. So much enthusiasm, he dropped the bags so he could hold her properly.

She wasn't disappointed.