River of Love


Elreth froze, looking around quickly, obviously wondering what he'd seen or scented. She pulled her arms to her chest, suddenly aware of her nakedness. "What is it?"

Aaryn didn't answer immediately, just stared at her, marveling again at the fact that she as truly his. He could feel it in his bones. 

When he didn't answer, she snapped her head up, worried. "Aaryn, what—"

"I told you we'd never do anything where we weren't together, I'd never ask you to give yourself to me in a way you didn't want, El. I just… I just want to be sure… I'm playing here. I want to throw you in this water, and I want to hold you in it when you're cold and warm you up. I want to feel your body against mine in there. But if you really don't want to, if you aren't playing like I am… I won't force you."